Here to make a difference – the first PD1/PD-L1 interaction assay

Here to make a difference – the first PD1/PD-L1 interaction assay Immune checkpoint inhibitors have revolutionized cancer immunotherapy, and more than 3000 anti-PD1/PD-L1 therapies are currently in clinical trials. The leading technology used to determine whether a patient is likely to benefit from PD1/PD-L1 immunotherapy is PD-L1 immunohistochemistry. However, this test doesn’t reveal whether the…

Navinci Diagnostics partners with Ozyme for the distribution of Naveni products in France.

Navinci Diagnostics partners with Ozyme for the distribution of Naveni products in France. Ozyme is a highly skilled partner with deep insight into immunoassays and antibody-related research. Ozyme will make it possible for our French customers to interact with a local distributor with great knowledge within the biotech field. We look forward to working closely with Ozyme;…

Navinci and SciLife enters collaboration: Naveni in situ Proximity Ligation Assay technique will be provided by the SciLifeLab unit Affinity Proteomics Uppsala.

”We are delighted to partner with SciLifeLab and the Affinity Proteomics unit in Uppsala, as this allows the NaveniTM in situ proximity ligation assay technology to support the mission of SciLifeLab to enable life science research in Sweden to provide access to the latest key technologies. This collaboration will significantly benefit our academic customers that…

Navinci partners with Oncolab GmbH, Austria, to supply reagents to their P53 Prions – A novel biomarker test for circulating tumor cells

Navinci partners with Oncolab GmbH, Austria, to supply reagents to their P53 Prions – A novel biomarker test for circulating tumor cells This innovative test from OncoLab (Austria) identifies cancer cells via p53 prions and is based on the proprietary proximity ligation technology from Navinci. The test kits can be used with tissues, cells, and…

Proximity ligation: A revolutionary protein detection technology – Made in Uppsala

Cellular processes can only be understood as the dynamic interplay of molecules. This means that we need accurate techniques to monitor interactions of endogenous proteins directly in individual cells and tissues, to reveal the cellular and molecular architecture and its responses to disturbances. Protein detection with higher sensitivity and specificity is a constant need in…

Shows the specific localization of ACE 2 with NaveniFlex

The importance of specific protein detection in ACE2 localization studies

Correct localization of proteins is critical for both the understanding and treatment of many diseases. High specificity immunoassays are of particular value for precision diagnostics use and in large-scale therapeutics development. The quality of these in situ protein detection assays depends mainly on the antibodies’ specificity against the target. Many commercial antibodies have low specificity,…

Detect phosphorylation with NaveniFlex proximity ligation

Protein phosphorylation has been the target of many drugs, both approved and under development, as well as diagnostics. Phosphorylation status lies beyond the capability of transcriptomics or genomics and is commonly addressed with antibody-based techniques. Most commercially available phospho-antibodies show a moderate-to-high lack of both specificity and sensitivity in immunostainings. It results in generating false-positive…