The NaveniFlex Cell MR Atto647N kit is an in situ proximity ligation assay kit optimized for cell samples. The kit enables fluorescence visualization of protein-protein interactions or post-translational modifications such as phosphorylation and ensures high specificity. The NaveniFlex Cell represents an advanced refinement of the discontinued NaveniFlex. For those working with tissue samples, we highly recommend considering our optimized alternative, NaveniFlex Tissue. Read more in our app note (PDF).
Compatible with traditional immunostaining equipment, the kit uses secondary antibody detection to produce an amplified signal in the form of a fluorescent dot, thus facilitating immediate quantification of the readout. The kit is based on our Naveni® in situ proximity ligation technology, with two Navenibodies conjugated to proprietary oligo arms. The technology enables specific and sensitive detection.
Product code: NC.MR.100 Atto647N
Included in the kit:
- Anti-mouse Navenibody
- Anti-rabbit Navenibody
- Detection fluorophore Atto647N
- Buffers for blocking and dilutions and all detection reagents
- The Navenibody solution has a working volume of 4000µl (sufficient for approx. 100 reactions)
Not included in the kit:
- Primary antibodies. If you are unsure how to choose primary antibody for your protein of interest, please contact us for advice and support
User instructions
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