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Combining isPLA and multiplex immunofluorescence imaging

In collaboration with Navinci, Arne Christians and his colleagues from Canopy Bioscience integrated isPLA with the CellScape multiplex cycIF platform.

Combining isPLA and multiplex immunofluorescence imaging

In collaboration with Navinci, Arne Christians and his colleagues from Canopy Bioscience integrated isPLA with the CellScape multiplex cycIF platform.

Their proof-of-principle experiments in tonsil confirmed the correct localization of the PD1/PD-L1 interaction identified by isPLA, as well as the identities of the cells involved – folicular dendritic cells interacting with T and B cells to prevent autoimmune response. Using the same approach, they demonstrated two different examples of PD-L1+ cancer samples, one of which was positive for the PD1/PD-L1 interaction, while the other was negative, highlighting the importance of verifying immune checkpoint activation rather than stratifying ICT candidates solely based on PD-L1 expression.​​​​

Their proof-of-principle experiments in tonsil confirmed the correct localization of the PD1/PD-L1 interaction identified by isPLA, as well as the identities of the cells involved – folicular dendritic cells interacting with T and B cells to prevent autoimmune response. Using the same approach, they demonstrated two different examples of PD-L1+ cancer samples, one of which was positive for the PD1/PD-L1 interaction, while the other was negative, highlighting the importance of verifying immune checkpoint activation rather than stratifying ICT candidates solely based on PD-L1 expression.​​​​

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Combining in situ proximity ligation assay and multiplex immunofluorescence imaging

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